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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Balancing Digital and In-Person Social Interactions

This article's focus is on navigating the modern landscape of social connections, striking a harmonious relation between online and offline interactions. When we emphasise the importance of finding a balance between two of these words - it supports our overall social wellbeing.

So, here are some tips for managing screen time to prevent digital fatigue, fostering meaningful connections both online and in person.

How to maintain a healthy balance between digital and social interactions:

1. Create Tech-Free Zones: Designate specific areas or times where electronic devices are off-limits, allowing for genuine face-to-face interactions without digital distractions.

2. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries for your digital use, such as turning off non-essential notifications during in-person conversations to stay present in the moment.

3. Practice Active Listening: When engaging in in-person conversations, focus on active listening. Put away your phone, maintain eye contact, and show genuine interest in what others are saying.

4. Balance Online and Offline Relationships: While digital connections are valuable, ensure a healthy balance by nurturing and prioritizing face-to-face relationships. Plan regular meetups with friends and loved ones.

5. Engage in Shared Hobbies: Explore activities that both you and your social circle enjoy, whether it's a fitness class, art workshop, or book club. Shared hobbies provide opportunities for in-person bonding.

Balancing digital and in-person social interactions involves intentional choices and mindfulness. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can foster more authentic connections and create a healthier balance between the digital and real-world aspects of your social life.

Here's an extra dose of tips for you: tips to digital detox.


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