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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Unplugging for Mental Health: 8 simple tips of digital detox

In a world dominated by screens and constant connectivity, taking intentional breaks from digital devices can be hard but significantly contribute to mental wellbeing.

In this blog, I briefly explore the importance of a digital detox, shedding light and delving into the benefits of unplugging.

The practical tips might include:

  1. Establishing designated screen-free zone. Avoid screen time during crucial times such as meals or before sleep.

  2. Setting specific time limits for device use

  3. Incorporate alternative activities such as reading, meditation, or outdoor activities.

  4. By encouraging your fellow friends and families to periodically disconnect from screen devices. Maybe go on a drive or spend time in nature.

  5. Activate 'do not disturb' setting on your devices during designated offline times.

  6. Socialise in-person interactions over digital communication. Make plans with friends or family.

  7. Turn off notifications and minimize the constant urge to check your phone. This helps you stay calmer and more focused.

  8. Take time to organize and declutter your digital space. Unsubscribe from unnecessary emails, organize files, and streamline your apps.

Say yes to inspiring a healthier balance between the digital world and mental wellbeing.


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