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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Happy Yoga Day! Here Are 5 Benefits of Hatha Yoga to Cheer Your Wellness Up!

For someone who is impatient and loves a fast paced lifestyle, YOGA can be challenging, but we all are aware of its long term benefits. When I started Yoga back in 2020, I realised that it was one of my best decisions for the mind, body and soul.

Today, I can happily claim: I LOVE YOGA! And I cannot live without practicing it. Yoga, as we know it, has been around for 80 years and has evolved from many places, traditions and times.

Today, there are 14 types of Yoga (I am sure to cover this in my future blogs) and out of many--- HATHA is my go-to.

What is Hatha?

Hatha means "force" and is defined as "the yoga of force."

Hatha yoga is about balancing the body and mind. HA represents the sun and THA the moon. So, practicing this style of yoga aims to join and balance these two energies. So, hatha yoga is considered anything you may do with the body including asanas, breathing techniques, chanting, hand gestures, and cleansing techniques.

A slower form of yoga with great emphasis on poses and postural structure - this style has multiple benefits.

Here's 5 most impactful benefits for you:

  1. Enhances flexibility: As we age, it becomes more important to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. We need to build the range of motion in the body so we can maintain an energetic lifestyle. Daily yoga practice can help you with that.

  2. Improves balance: Our sense of independence is direclty linked to out sense of balance. Through systematically training the support muscles of the body, Hatha is an effective way to build sustainable mobility.

  3. Increases strength and stability: Hatha is one of the most powerful and effective ways to build strength in the core of your body. Building strength can help keep your spine healthy and help you perform other physical activities longer and more efficiently.

  4. Decreases anxiety and stress: The day I started practicing yoga, and especially hatha-- it has given me the relief from anxiety and stress. Atleast, partially because of the other health benefits associated with yoga. It reduces cortisol is many ways, ultimately reducing stress.

  5. Prepares your body for meditation: For me, yoga is just not a physical practice, it's spiritual too. Associated with a lot of mental health benefits, hatha yoga intends to draw you into the deeper states of self-awareness and self-realisation. I have been meditating with Sahaja Yoga and I couldn't have been any happier:)

Practicing yoga for self-love involves engaging in poses and meditative practices that promote mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotional well-being.

Read my article on some yoga poses and practices that can help foster self-love and here are some tips of how to foster them.

Set an Intention: Begin your practice by setting a positive intention for self-love and compassion.

Be Gentle: Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard. The goal is to nurture yourself, not to achieve perfection but progression.

Create a Sacred Space: Practice in a quiet, comfortable space where you feel safe and relaxed.

Consistency: Make yoga a regular part of your routine to continually nurture self-love and mindfulness. Here’s how you can create a balanced routine.


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