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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Creating a balanced fitness routine with Yoga

How do you harmonize yoga with other forms of physical activity?

Let's explore the synergies between yoga and various exercises, offering insights into how combining these can elevate your overall fitness journey and boost physical wellbeing.

Benefits of Combining Yoga with Other Exercises:

1. Flexibility and Strength Integration: Yoga adds to your flexibility, complementing strength training and providing a dynamic balance with your other exercises.

2. Cardiovascular Endurance: Yoga supports cardiovascular health and pairs well with traditional cardio exercises.

3. Mind-Body Connection in High-Intensity Workouts:

Yoga emphasises on mindfulness and breath awareness which overall enhances the mind-body connection in high-intensity workouts.

4. Sample Yoga-Integrated Fitness Routine:

You can incorporate a simple yoga routine into your daily fitness regime. Something like this:

Day 1: Strength Training with Yoga

Day 2: Cardio with Yoga Flow

Day 3: Active Rest with Restorative Yoga

Day 4: HIIT with Yoga for Balance

Day 5: Flexibility and Mobility Day with Yoga

Day 6: Outdoor Activity with Yoga Cool-down

Day 7: Mindful Recovery with Gentle Yoga

I am working on a yoga sequence and will soon share some yoga flows with you.

Feel free to customize this routine on your preferences and fitness goals.


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