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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

World Meditation Day: Loving/Kindness

May 21 is a day all about encouraging people to meditate and showing benefits of meditation. In my last few articles, I covered two types of meditation ( Zen and concentration/fixed focus) that you can do. In this article, I share another easy one that I learnt in my Hatha YYT course. 


Loving-kindness meditation originated from Buddhist teachings and is also known as Metta meditation, meaning unconditional kindness and friendliness.

The method is simple:

1. Start by sending loving-kindness to oneself

2. Continue to send it in this order: to a friend or loved one, to someone who is neutral in your life, to a difficult person, and then out to the universe.

You can also maintain a gratitude journal as it helps to create a routine within yourself giving you a chance to think about this meditation type. 

The benefits of this meditation are that it boosts empathy, positivity, acceptance, and kindness toward oneself and others.


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