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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

The 4 Stages of Meditation

To develop a strong meditation practice, you will need to follow a progressive framework consisting of these four stages.

These stages help in gradually deepening the practice and cultivating mindfulness and concentration:

  1. Commitment:

- Setting the Intention: Begin by setting a clear intention or purpose for your meditation session. This could be for relaxation, clarity, or insight.

- Environment: Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed.

- Posture: Sit comfortably with a straight back. You can sit on a chair, cushion, or floor, whichever feels most stable and comfortable.

2. Present Moment Awareness:

- Focus on the Breath: Start by focusing on your breath.

- Gentle Awareness: When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your chosen point of focus without judgment.

3. Present Moment Sustainment

- Deepening Awareness: As concentration improves, expand your awareness to include bodily sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Observe them without attachment.

- Continuity of Mindfulness: Maintain a continuous stream of awareness, allowing thoughts and sensations to come and go without getting entangled in them.

4. Effortless Sustainment

- Effortless Presence: As mindfulness deepens, you may enter a state of effortless presence where the mind is fully absorbed in the present moment.

- Sustained Stillness: Let go and relax. At this point in your meditation, you have mastered what you can control. Now, it’s time to let go.

Regular practice, patience, and a non-striving attitude are key to deepening your meditation experience.


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