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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Spiritual Discipline: Balancing the Gunas with Yoga

In my recent chapter of Hatha yoga, I've learnt about the gunas and what they mean in accordance to balancing it with yoga. Seems interesting and relatable but the idea is to stay disciplined with the practices.

In the context of yoga practice, understanding the gunas can be valuable for cultivating self-awareness and achieving balance.

Priority 1: Transform Tamas (get rid of anything that's weighing you down)

Priority 2: Balance Rajas (cultivate movement in a balanced way)

Priority 3: Develop Sattva (develop peace, joy and self-awareness)

If you're already practicing yoga, this is how you can relate the gunas to your yoga practice:

1. Sattva in Asana Practice: Focus on cultivating a sense of purity and balance in your physical practice. Choose asanas (yoga poses) that promote clarity of mind, alignment, and steadiness.

2. Rajas in Energetic Sequences: Utilize the energy of Rajas during more dynamic and active sequences. This can include flowing sequences like Vinyasa, invigorating poses, and practices that build heat.

3. Tamas in Restorative Practices: Integrate Tamas in restorative yoga sessions, where the focus is on deep relaxation and stillness. Poses held for longer durations and practices like Yin yoga can help balance excessive activity and promote a sense of calm.

4. Awareness of Mental Patterns: Off the mat, observe your mental patterns and tendencies. Notice when Rajas (excessive activity) or Tamas (inertia) dominate your thoughts and emotions. Regular mindfulness and meditation can help balance these mental fluctuations.

5. Cultivate Sattvic Lifestyle: Embrace a Sattvic lifestyle by incorporating wholesome, nourishing foods, maintaining a balanced routine, and fostering positive relationships.

6. Yamas and Niyamas: The ethical guidelines of yoga, the Yamas (restraints) and Niyamas (observances), can be seen as tools for cultivating Sattva. Practices like truthfulness, contentment, and self-discipline contribute to a balanced and harmonious life.

By being aware of the gunas and their influence, you can tailor your yoga practice to address imbalances and promote a holistic sense of well-being—physically, mentally, and spiritually.


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