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Prioritising Your Self-Care Routine

Tips & tricks!!!

Self-care is essential for maintaining balance and enhancing our overall well-being. And, creating a self-care routine that you can stick to can be challenging.

Here are some simple, easy tips and tricks to help you develop a self-care routine that fits your lifestyle.

  1. Assess Your Needs:

  • Determine which areas of your life need more attention such as physical health, mental well-being, or social connections.

  • Take time to reflect on what activities make you feel relaxed, happy, and rejuvenated. Do more of that.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

  • Begin with simple, manageable activities to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Instead of vague goals like "exercise more," set specific goals and intension for a week or month such as "practice yoga five times a week."

3. Schedule Self-Care Time:

  • Schedule your self-care activities the way you would any other important appointment. Consistency is key.

  • Decide whether you prefer daily short self-care practices or longer sessions a few times a week.

4. Mix and Match Activities:

  • Incorporate a mix of activities that address different aspects of self-care, like physical exercise, creative hobbies, and relaxation techniques.

  • Don’t forget to include activities that connect the mind and body, like yoga or tai chi.

5. Create a Relaxing Environment:

  • For something really simple, designate a space in your home that is more peaceful and free from distractions.

  • Surround yourself with comfortable items of your choice such as soft blankets, candles, or soothing music.

6. Practice Mindfulness:

  • Focus on being present during your self-care activities, whether it's a mindfulness meditation or a leisurely walk in nature.

  • Keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the positive aspects of your life or write down your affirmations.

7. Prioritise Sleep:

  • Ensure you get enough sleep each night by establishing a bedtime routine and creating a sleep-friendly environment.

  • Incorporate relaxation techniques before bed, such as reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing deep breathing exercises.

8. Listen to Your Body:

  • Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust your routine if an activity no longer serves you. Try something new.

  • Rest is a crucial part of self-care. Allow yourself time to relax and recharge.

9. Seek Support:

  • Join a self-care group or community for support and motivation.

  • If you’re struggling with mental health issues, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Therapy and mentoring can be valuable components of self-care.

  • If you’re struggling with anxiety, connect with Meagan Weniger, our Social Anxiety Mentor.

Reflect and Revise:

  • Periodically review your self-care routine to see what’s working and what’s not.

  • Be willing to make changes.

Creating a self-care routine is a personal journey and by following these tips and tricks, you can develop a self-care practice that enhances your well-being.


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1 Comment

Neerja Gandhi
Neerja Gandhi
Jul 03

Thanks for this, self-care tips. Can follow

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