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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

My Story: Two Years in Canada and its Impact on My Emotional Well-being

Oh! Canada🇨🇦❤️

Embarking on my journey of living in Toronto, Canada has been nothing but a roller coaster ride, a short of a transformative experience too. My journey has woven with threads of personal growth and emotional resilience. As I reflect on the past two years, my emotional landscape is rich with colors of self-awareness, self-discovery, self-realisation, adaption and forging only genuine and deep connections.

Arriving in a New City:

The initial days were a mix of excitement and adjustment. Navigating the cultural nuances, diverse cities to the vast landscapes, brought a wave of emotions. However, as the unfamiliar became familiar, a sense of belonging began to resonate with my daily experiences. Toronto still grows on me and I am yet to explore many unknown spots this city has to offer.

Building Bridges and Bonds:

One of the pillars of my emotional well-being has been the relationship I've forged with my friend, Bhavneet along the way. We're two different personalities, but we bond like soul sisters. Whether it's the warmth of our bond or ups & downs, we're there for eachother always. In my journey, I've also fostered support of fellow expats, and grateful for the connections during both joyous and challenging times.

Challenges as Catalysts:

Adapting to a new life presented its challenges, each serving as a catalyst for my personal growth. Overcoming obstacles, big or small has strengthened my emotional resilience. From navigating through transportation, new healthcare system to embracing winter activities, every challenge became an opportunity to learn, adapt, and grow. (I still have to learn driving, lol)

Nature's Impact on Well-being:

One of my greatest experiences has been with nature. Canada's breathtaking landscapes became my go-to for introspection and emotional rejuvenation. Whether it was the serene lakes, snow-covered mountains, or vibrant autumn foliage, nature played a significant role in balancing my emotional well-being. The simple act of exploring the great outdoors became a form of therapy, offering moments of peace and clarity.

Embracing Vulnerability:

Living abroad involves moments of vulnerability which is so challenging for me. There have been fake people around me who have filtered themselves out from my life and I am grateful for that, but sharing my journey with others has never been easy. I could open up to new experiences but not with people I couldn't trust. Acknowledging some uncertainties allowed me to embrace strength but I do wish to embrace my vulnerability with those genuine connections who share similar sentiments.

Celebrating Milestones and Looking Forward:

As I celebrate the two-year milestone, I am filled with gratitude for the emotional tapestry. Each pillar represents a unique experience, a lesson learned, or a connection made.

Looking ahead, the journey continues, and I eagerly anticipate the new colors that will be added to my ever-evolving story. Cheers!


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