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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

My Story: How can you transform Envy into Motivation

Hello again!

This is going to be my second post for individuals who envy me and are hampering my peace. I hope they understand my message clearly this time. It's not rage, it's standing up for yourself. So, here I am expressing with the most kindness heart.

And if you're someone who is experiencing the same, I hope my guide can help.

Understand why they could be envious:

  • Societal pressures

  • Cultural expectations

  • Personal insecurities

  • Social comparison, often fueled by standards of beauty, success, or happiness can definitely contribute to feelings of inadequacy

  • Competition for attention

Trust me when I say this, I am happy that a lot of jealous/unhealthy people have filtered themselves out of my life but it seems like this has no end - Who I thought were friends are not my real friends at all. I am glad that my intutions have guided me to make certain decisions strategically and emotionally, even when it's hard to understand why envy even exists when all we need is kindness in this world? Why cannot individuals just focus on themselves, work on their insecurities rather than pouring it on others? Why do they have to seek attention and appreciation or even compare when someone's doing well in life?

In the midst of these 'whys' chaos, I think, it's still crucial to recognize some dynamics and work towards fostering better and supportive relationships. I suggest to ignore the ones who pull you down and celebrate with the ones that support you and your accomplishments rather than breeding jealousy.

So, here's what I can guide you with, if you're sailing on the same boat: explore this transformative journey from envy to self-motivation through these steps:

1. Cultuvate Your Circle: Be around positive friends and people (personally and professionally) who encourage and support your achievements. And you must too. Celebrate each other's successes. Surround yourself with people who uplift you rather than bring you down.

2. Set Boundaries: Clearly define and maintain personal boundaries to protect your emotional and mental well-being.

3. Focus on Personal Growth: Channel your energy into self-improvement and pursuing your goals, minimizing comparison with others.

4. Limit Exposure: Reduce unnecessary interactions with those people who consistently breed negativity or envy.

5. Seek Like-Minded Communities: Connect with people who share similar interests and values, fostering healthier relationships.

6. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that nurture your mental and emotional health, creating a buffer against external negativity.

7. Celebrate Others' Success: Embrace a mindset of celebrating others rather than feeling threatened by their success, promoting a positive atmosphere.

8. Maintain a Positive Outlook: Focus on the positive aspects of your life, cultivating gratitude and minimizing the impact of negative influences.

Remember, creating a supportive environment is essential for personal as well professional well-being.

Choose your connections wisely; that align with your values and contribute positively to your journey and let go of negativity!


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