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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Mental Wellness: Don’t stress about things you cannot change.

There's a well known quote by Matt Haig: “Don't worry about things you can't control.” And the above read is in the book I'm currently reading. Although, I try not worrying about the things I cannot control, sometimes I do.

We all have heard the idiom “Time and tide wait for none.” So, if you are doing something, do it with all your efforts, passion and dedication. So, do not spend your time complaining about the things we cannot control. In most cases, we see people keep regretting and repenting about the things they've done in the past. Some people even cry over some of the memories.

Well, what has happened in the past has become the past. No one can change it. So, there is no point is being sad over it. This won't help you achieving your goals or moving ahead in your future.

The only thing you can change is - yourself and your thoughts. So, start now with these simple tips to build a positive outlook to your past.

  1. It's fair to acknowledge your past and emotions, but do not engage with them. Distract yourself and do the things that make you happy.

  2. Do what you love, love what you do (honestly): Engage in hobbies and activities that truely bring you joy or are productive in nature. You'll only end up learning more and feeling happier.

  3. Learn from your sad memories and do not repeat them in the future.

  4. Determine what you can control: When you put your energy into the things you can control, you'll be more effective.

  5. Identify your fears: Acknowledge that you can handle the worst case scenarios in life. This can help you put your energy into more productive exercises.

  6. Create a plan to manage your stress: Eat healthy, exercise, sleep well.

  7. Practice positive affirmations: When I find myself thinking about something I have no control over, like "I hope this doesn't get delayed'. I tell myself, "it's fine, I can wait for it." These quick little phrases keep me from wasting my time on things I can't control.

This healthy tips will help you stay mentally and emotionally strong.

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