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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Meditation series: Kundalini

Everything we do in yoga, prepares us for meditation in the most traditional sense. If you’re trying to meditate and the last two series have helped, here’s another form for you. They all lead to the same goal: greater self-awareness.

Meditation also helps us access deeper fulfilment ultimately leading to a grounded, cantered, and focused state that many describe as enlightened.

This form is called Kundalini.

through this meditation, the main idea is to awaken the untapped energy located at the base of your spine. When this energy is released, it travels up the spine and leads to an experience known as Kundalini awakening, which ultimately leads to enlightenment.

Method: includes breathing techniques, mantras, mudras, and chants. Example: we use a mantra and slow the breathing from a normal rate of 15 full breaths (inhale and exhale) per minute to 5 full breaths per minute

Benefits: taps into the power of the unconscious mind and brings it forward to energise and awaken the conscious mind.

Check out our resources and tap into the meditation practice with Sahaja Yoga.


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1 Comment

Neerja Gandhi
Neerja Gandhi
Jun 12

Thanks. Can practice

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