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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Meditation series: Concentration and fixed focus

Cannot meditate in silence? Here's your que.

Meditation has proven to be one of the most impactful practices to connect with self. A cognitive ritual, it also helps find your inner peace and makes you more mindful about the surroundings/situations.

In my recent chapter from the Hatha teacher training course, I learnt about the types of meditation. I know a few friends who cannot meditate in silence or often get restless. This tip is for you : one of the easiest ways to meditate.

Concentration/fixed focus meditation

This type of meditation involves focusing on a single point such as breath, a candle or a mantra. You can also have a pre-recorded guided meditation, music, sound or a mala. Since focusing the mind is challenging, as a beginner this might take a few minutes and then you could work up to longer durations.

Method: focus your attention on a chosen object. Every time your mind wanders, bring your attention back by letting the thoughts go. Inhale slowly, and while exhaling imagine the thoughts floating out. Inhale again and bring back the focus to the fixed focus.

Benefit: relaxation and reduces anxiety.

Try this out and let me know how it worked.


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