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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Sunset therapy: why admiring sunsets will boost your overall wellbeing

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Sunsets are like free therapy and if you're someone who absolutely loves sunset, this post is for you. There's no scientific reason to why we love sunsets but if it wasn't for science, we wouldn't love its colours, wouldn't we?

Science of sunsets: It tells us that the essence of a beautiful sunset is in the cloud layer. So, the hues of reds, oranges, pink are definitely something worth treasuring ans you can thank science for that.

I read an article that said, people should watch more sunsets because it's good for mental health. So, why should it stop you?

I've always appreciated the outdoors and the more I have spent time outside made me realise how truly incredible nature is. Not only does it help in giving me clarity of thoughts, reduce stress, anxiety and other unpleasant emotions in life but also supports the entire existence.

Sunsets remind me that, no matter how stressful my life may have been, it makes me stop and think. It's peaceful, beautiful and awe-inspiring due to its deep rich colours. Shifting gradually between clouds, it calms me when I've had a tiring day. I feel a comforting sense of happiness and the weight has lifted off my shoulders and I've gained some clarity. It improves my mood, its romantic, and overall enhances my positivity in life.

If this isn't enough, I've complied three more reasons why you should make more time to watch the sunsets:

  1. It will improve your mood: sunsets tend to have a physiological effect that has a long lasting impact on your mood. So, the next time you are having a rough day, head to your favourite spot and watch how you feel.

  2. It gives you a reason to step outside: sunsets are called the golden hour for no reason. Taking out a few minutes to experience breathtaking sunsets can make you feel refreshed.

  3. It will heal you: a constant source of inspiration, sunsets has a spiritual element that can have a positive, healing, restorative and creative effect on your life.

I always snap a photo of the sunset - whether it's walking to my yoga class, hiking in nature or looking out of my balcony/window. Here's a short collection of how each photo is unique in its own way.

Digging through the philes of weather and nature, a person who loves sunsets is called an 'opacarophile'. This latin word means dusk or sunset, and 'phile' means love in Greek.

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