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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Emotional Wellness: Be A Good Listener

Sometimes life can get really tough and we're all sailing on the same boat with our own struggles, ups and down. In the midst of this, do you know what would help if someone reached out to you and talked?


It's hard to be a good listener, I get it. But, if you're not listening, you're not helping selflessly. Spending quality time with the ones you love and care is easy. Actually understanding their POV is the true art of listening.

You need not share an opinion, you need not pass a comment, nor you need to judge. All you need to do is - be kind, be calm and hear them out. If there's a comfort built between two individuals or more; sharing a similar story can help in overcoming challenging situations & experiences.

So, let's encourage tips and tricks, move ahead and feel positive. This is exactly what we are here for - strengthening our mental and emotional wellness.

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