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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

Dive Deeper: The Depth Beyond Looks In Relationships

I am not just a pretty face.

Face the truth people: I am more than you think I am: Smart. Intelligent. Vulnerable. Emotional. Talented. Ambitious. Logical. Committiable.

These are some of the other "attractive" adjectives that define me, as well.

We live in a world that is so fake, where most of us are afraid to be real in relationships. I don't blame you, but it's still your responsibility to change the outlook for yourself. If you're someone only looking for one pretty face -- let me be brutally honest: you won't sustain a long term relationship.

And if you do want a relationship that goes long-term, this is what you can do : BUILD GENUINE CONNECTIONS. Don't know how? These tips can help you foster a relationship you really want.

- Seek common ground in shared values and interests.

- Foster a sense of mutual understanding through authentic interactions.

- Encourage open-mindedness and active listening.

- Cultivate relationships that go beyond superficial judgments.

- Create a foundation for lasting connections by engaging in meaningful conversations.

Efforts and consistency is hot and sexy!

While I can vouch that physical attraction is important, I find acts of kindness, simple communication and consistency more attractive. You want to be able to love a personality than just a face. Why not be fully available for that one person you like? I am often told by men that they want to date me becasue I am hot.. but really, does it even make sense to just date a body and not the soul?

Dive deeper and look beyond looks, people. Here are 5 most important things to look for when you're compartible and vibing.

1. Communication is Key:

Effective and open communication is vital to build a strong, healthy relationship. Look for a partner who can express themselves openly and listens actively to your thoughts and feelings and doesn't complain about you being "too emotional"

2. Mutual Respect goes a Long Way:

A strong relationship is built on mutual respect. Ensure your partner values your opinions, boundaries, and autonomy, and reciprocate this respect in return.

3. Shared Values and Interests does Matter:

Common values create a foundation for a lasting connection and relationship. Seek a partner whose core beliefs, interests, thoughts align with yours, fostering harmony and understanding in the relationship.

4. Trust and Transparency is the Foundation:

Trust is essential for any relationship to thrive. Look for a partner who is transparent, honest, and reliable, laying the groundwork for a secure and stable connection.

5. Support and Balanced Growth is Basic

A healthy relationship encourages personal and mutual growth. Choose a partner who supports your aspirations and helps you become the best version of yourself, while reciprocating this support in their own journey. You don't need someone whose always "busy" (as an excuse) or less "ambitious" towards their goals. Find balance.

Let me know what you think works for you!


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1 comentario

Neerja Gandhi
Neerja Gandhi
06 dic 2023


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