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  • Writer's pictureaahna gandhi

5 Ways Pets Can Improve Your Overall Wellbeing

Pets offer more than just companionship—and I realised this when I adopted my rover, years ago. Today he is over 7 years and undoubtedly has significantly boosted my wellbeing ever since. Adopting him was one of my best decisions in life.

My furbaby is more than just my companion; he offers me emotional support, reduces my stress, and also helps me when I am feeling low. Not just this, he serves as a social catalyst and adds to my physical exercise too.

Additionally, the responsibility of caring for him just brings structure and routine in my life, which has been beneficial in developing discipline and a sense of purpose.

If you love pets and can relate, this article is for you. however, if you’re thinking of adopting one in the near future or at any point, here is a brief of how having a pet can help improve your overall wellbeing:

1. Stress Relief: Interacting with pets help in reducing stress by lowering cortisol levels and increasing oxytocin, the “love hormone.”

2. Encouraging Activity: Pets, especially dogs, keep you active with daily walks and play, promoting better physical health.

3. Routine and Responsibility: Caring for a pet can create a consistent routine for you fostering a sense of purpose.

4. Social Connections: Pets can help you connect with others, whether through dog walks or shared interests.

5. Mental Health Boost: The unconditional love and companionship of a pet can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, offering emotional support.

In short, pets are more than just animals—they’re a vital part of your overall wellbeing.


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1 Comment

Neerja Gandhi
Neerja Gandhi
Sep 14

Yes.. Totally agree

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